Kongs Australia
Inspiring Excellence in Fish Care! Protein Skimmers
Why use a Skimmer?
Types of Skimmer
The main reason to use a skimmer is to remove dissolved organic waste. Because of the way it works, it will physically remove organic waste from the water column (rather than break it down or trap it). All other methods either trap or convert waste until it is removed through filter cleaning and water changes. Because it can remove waste before it breaks down, it will lead to lower levels of Nitrate, Phosphate and similar compounds. Protein skimmers generally don’t function in fresh water. The exception to this would be very hard, alkaline water. When can’t you use one?
The difference in skimmer design is mostly in how they mix the air and water. The basic principle of all skimmers (as described to the left) is the same. Venturi
Air is drawn in to the skimmer using a venturi. A venturi draws air into the pipe using the current of the water passing though a narrowed point, so no separate air pump is required.
Pros: Efficient both for power and skimming. Good balance of the two Cons: Much of the flow goes toward running the venturi so a larger pump is required All Aqua One Skimmers use a venturi Counter Current
How do they work?
Skimmers use the fact that many organic molecules are bipolar, with one end attracted to the water (Hydrophillic) and one end repelled by it (Hydrophobic).
Hydrophyllic (Attracted to water)
Slow water flow driven either by air currents or a small water pump. Air is injected with an air pump through a limewood airstone (Limewood airstones create very fine bubbles). Pros: Simple and inexpensive to set up and run Cons: The least efficient design Beckett Air is mixed with the water in the Beckett head (similar to a fountain head). The mixture is then fed Cons: The Beckett head requires a powerful pump to work (at least 2-3 times as big as an equivalent venturi skimmer) Downdraught Water is sprayed forcefully against an open structured material (like bioballs) which breaks up the flow and mixes it with air. Pros: This is a very effective and low maintenance design Cons: Requires a very powerful pump. Bulky design and quite noisy. Beckett Head through the skimmer body. Pros: Very efficient design
Hydrophobic (Repelled by water)
The skimmer mixes fine bubbles in with the water as it passes through the body of the skimmer. The molecules are caught on the surface of the bubbles.
As the bubbles rise to the surface, they bring the molecules with them, which then spill over into the collection cup. The liquid remaining in the cup after the bubbles burst is almost all organic molecules (waste products). This liquid is known as skimmate.
Version: 1/5/2019
Inspiring Excellence in Fish Care!
A new protein skimmer (or one that has been thoroughly cleaned) requires a breaking in period before it reaches peak efficiency. During this time, it may spill microbubbles into the sump and may under/overskim. For this reason, the skimmer will require daily inspection and adjustment. This process typically takes 1-2 weeks. Breaking in a Skimmer Two parts of a skimmer can generally be adjusted. Air input - usually, it’s best to leave this fully open. Water flow - Usually, it is the outlet of the skimmer that is adjusted. Adjusting the flow will change the water level in the skimmer. When adjusting the skimmer, a good place to start is to have the water level about 1/3 to 1/2 way up the neck. Adjust every few hours until the correct amount of waste is collected. When breaking the skimmer in, extra attention must be paid to adjustment for the first few days. The skimmer will need periodic adjustment to account for changes in water quality which will affect how the skimmer works - some foods and treatments will make a skimmer over-skim and may require turning it off or down. When adjusting water level in a skimmer, a higher water level will give you more liquid in the collection cup (“Wet” skimming) while a lower water level will collect a drier skimmate (“Dry” skimming). Wet skimming will collect waste a little faster but much more water is lost. Wet vs Dry Skimming Adjusting a Skimmer
Air Volume
When running at full efficiency, the body of the skimmer should be full of bubbles. A good rule of thumb for judging whether there are enough bubbles is to put your hand behind the body while the skimmer is running. Your hand should be difficult to see (unless there is light behind which illuminates your hand). If you can clearly make out the details behind the body, the skimmer is not running at full efficiency.
Check all connections are secure and not obstructed in the Air Intake/Venturi. Troubleshooting and Maintenance Air Volume
Either soak the venturi in fresh water or white vinegar, or use a syringe to force warm (not hot) fresh water through the air intake with a syringe. Check and clean the pump.
General Notes
Almost all issues with skimmers are either a blocked air intake (see above), a dirty pump or a matter of adjustment. Skimmers are physically fragile. Care should be taken when working with them. When servicing a skimmer, any o-rings should be lubricated. This will make it easier to work with the skimmer and minimise the chance of damage.
Dry skimming Slower but less water is lost.
Wet skimming Faster but more water is lost.
It will also help protect the o-rings from the corrosive effects of salt water.
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