IM | Nautilus 2700 Canister Filter
Inspiring Excellence in Fish Care!
Cleaning the Filter cont. Maintenance cont.
Flush out the Media Baskets with the biological media in the bucket* to remove any solid waste.
The Sponges can also be rinsed in the bucket* of aquarium water. Gently squeeze them to flush out solid waste.
Discard and replace the Fine Wool Filter Pad.
Empty and rinse the Canister Body. This may be done with tap water.
Replace the Media Baskets into the Canister Body.
*Sold Separately
NEVER clean any filter components with abrasive materials, detergents or other cleaning products. ONLY use products designed for aquarium use. NEVER wash the biological media with tap water as this will kill the beneficial bacteria that break down dissolved waste in the aquarium. Take care not to lose small parts when servicing the filter, especially when cleaning components such as the Impeller at a sink. One way to avoid this is to clean small parts in a bucket* filled with some clean water so that any dropped parts are not lost.
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